Wednesday 12 September 2012

Plastic Action Heroes

Yesterday I started sorting out the bag with action figures. I expected a lot more to find but so far some are missing in action. I'm missing some Transformers, Biker Mice From Mars and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles figures.

X-Men Animated Series

A couple of figures from the X-Men Animted Series.
X-Men - Animated Series

 I think I still miss some but I'm not sure. Very hard to remember which we had and which we didn't. All of these figures are from the Animated Series we had on FoxKids in the 90's. Every figure has a button on it's back that will perform an action. In the pile:

- Gambit (also got his bo-staff, so the figure is complete)
- Cyclopse
- Mister Sinister (he's missing a leg)
And two other villians. Can't remember their names and doing a Google search didn't result in much. At least the red guy isn't Omega Red.

A couple of figures from the Bucky O'Hare animated series
Bucky O'Hare
 It's a shame we never managed to get Bucky himself. Bucky was a pretty decent show and I remember we getting these figures on a small fair in the local shopping center. Missing quiet a few thinks like pretty much all the guns and hats.

On the pile:
- The Air Master
- Bruiser
- Toadborg
- Willy (2x)

Captain Planet he is a hero
Captain Planet
A lonesome ranger. Captain Planet. Can't remember if this was the only figure we had from the series or there were more. All I know is that when you put his body under water it will give a big mud stain on his chest.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Sorted and bagged...

It took me some hours but I finally got all the boxes sorted. Or at least I sorted the unsorted boxes and ended up having ten piles of toys, bricks, action figures, dinosaurs and Barbie stuff which I packed in nice little plastic (paddle trashcan) bags so it wouldn't scatter all over the room.

A bag full with cars and tracks. All shapes and sizes. Mainly Matchbox and Hot Wheels
Bag 1: Matchbox tracks, cars and other car-related things.
A small load of Lego bricks and plans. The majority has been harvested last summer for building and sorting already.
Bag 2: Lego bricks and building plans.
Another load of Playmobile parts, dolls, housing parts and the lot
Bag 3: A lot more Playmobile ...
Action Man and his missile shooting hang glider.
Bag 4: Action Man and his toys
Bricks and vehicles from Dulpo. Soon to be added in the big Duplo chest downstairs
Bag 6: Duplo, Lego for small boys
Various Ninja Turtles, X-Men, Biker Mice, Buck O'Hare and many other action figures
Bag 7: The holy grain. ACTION FIGURES!
Small soldiers and to big tanks. Realism isn't for toys
Bag 8: Plastic army guys and tanks
Clothes and blankets. Everything for Barbie, Ken and all the other dolls.
Bag 9: Barbie and doll clothing and some extra stuff.
A bag filled with Happy Meal toys...
Bag 10: Happy Meal toys from 1992 till 2000. A whole bag full of them. And I don't even like McDonalds.
The last bag contains only plastic dinosaurs and other animals.
Bag 11: Dinosaurs! 
Time to sort them out a bit more. Especially the action figures. I noticed I'm missing quiet a lot of them. Especially some Biker Mice ones and no Transformer to be found while I know we have a load of those as well.

Saturday 8 September 2012

The real start...

I really started today. I had done all the stuff I had to do and I pulled off the boxes from the attic to sort them out. It was no pleasant surprise... I thought me and my dad had packed all the toys and such in only four boxes but I pulled off ten, including four boxes full with dolls and stuffed animals. And two packed with jigsaw puzzles and board games. It was a real shocker...

I tried to log most of it with my pocket camera but the room was to small to sort it all in so I kinda dropped it all on one big pill and started making smaller piles.

Box 1: Playmobile
Box 2: Dolls and stuffed animals
Box 3: Dolls and stuffed animals
Box 4: Dolls and stuffed animals
Box 5: Dolls and mixed toys (pulled out the toys, dropped the dolls back into the box)
Box 6: Matchbox tracks
Box 7: Mixed toys and action figures
Box 8: Action Man dolls and mixed toys
Box 9: More mixed toys and Barbie clothing
Box 10: Mixed box of all above

Because sorting each box is a damn hard and time consuming task. I started off with the Playmobile box. I knew that there was a lot of junk in it. How I knew? The top layer was covered with non-Playmobile stuff, probably toys my dad found while cleaning the guest room earlier this year and dropped them in the first box he could find. 

The box with Playmobile after sorting out all the non-Playmobile stuff.
Box 1, the Playmobile box after sorting. It's nicely shaped as a treasure chest =)
All non-Playmobile stuff I found I dropped into a seperate box and continued like that... until I was surrounded by piles of toys limiting my moving space. But this seemed to work best because it was the easiest way to move around all the toys and keep good track of what toys were on which pile...

A box filled with random toys after sorting out the Playmobile box.
All the stuff that came out of the Playmobile box. A lot of random stuff including a while pile of wooden bricks of some knock-off Jenga tower.
More to come, I'm not done yet! *sigh*

Friday 7 September 2012

The start off

My parents are on vacation all of the month September and my dad asked me and my brother to get all of our toys from the attic and sort them out. My mom isn't really allowed to know about this because she has the 'it has to stay with us' idea so my nieces and nephews can play with it. My dad thinks we all have to take our own toys along, because they're old anyway and the youngsters don't know what it's all about anyway.

During the sorting I'll be taking pictures and adding them to the blog with a nice story and back info on it.